Many users are keen to push Revit to its limits to fully exploit the potential of BIM.
Given the incredible amount of computations that this requires, we are often asked about the "best" hardware spec for Revit.
The minimum system requirements for Revit 9.1 are actually quite manageable, however seeing that in Australia, most Revit seats are purchased as the Series option (share licence with AutoCAD 2007), the minimum (and higher) system spec's of ACAD2007 take precedence.
This is particularly the case with recommended Graphics Cards. Whilst Revit doesn't have a restriction as such, it is HIGHLY recommended that you utilise a certified AutoCAD graphics card to avoid any possible issues (and to future proof your investment.) **
Recently an excellent about this was posted by David Duarte on his blog Revit for Beginners.
Does Revit take full advantage of 64bit processors?
Does Revit take full advantage of dual processors?
Does Revit take full advantage of high-end graphics cards?
Read on here for the answers